Friday, 15 April 2016

A New Career In A New Town

Well not quite a new career, but a new aspect to my career.

My first two books for children are now available on Amazon - The Wonderful Tale of Giraffe the Giraffe (who was also a superhero), and The Wonderful Tale of Billy the Lion (who was a little bit afraid of the dark). Whilst not officially being a series yet (can you have a series of two? Isn't that a diptych?) I am hoping that I can add to the Wonderful Tales series in the future, to attract some lucrative benevolent publisher to my wares.

So far they've been very well received (at least I hope so, I'm still waiting for the reviews to come in). They were great fun to write and draw, and the writing process didn't carry the lingering sense of unease that often sits at the back of my skull as I'm writing horror.

I have a few ideas for future books, including a longer story for slightly older children that can incorporate black and white ink illustrations, but for the moment I have another project that I'm trying to nail down within the next six to eight weeks.

You can pick up a copy or five of my children's books below!

The Wonderful Tale of Giraffe the Giraffe (who was also a superhero)


The Wonderful Tale of Billy the Lion (who was a little bit afraid of the dark)


Enjoy your April!