Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Abscission moves closer to release

 Abscission is getting a lot closer to release, with a Steam pre-release page and new demo, and also a trailer.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Abscission Update - August 2020

 Due to the steep (but relatively quick) learning curve when using Adventure Game Studio, I have made some stylistic changes to Abscission, along with creating a more satisfying narrative.

I'm not going to say too much now, but I am really happy with how it is progressing and can't wait for it to be released (probably in around a year).

Saturday, 30 May 2020

A Small Update

Abscission is coming along nicely. I have started to add new features, such as:

Comic style portraits for all characters (including changing emotions, blinking, etc)...

A map for navigation (with locations opening up when clues or connections are found)...


And a few other elements, such as classic late 80's cell phone to call up other characters, a computer parser system to use for searching for clues, a journal system to keep track of story points, and also some surrounding lore and immersive elements (such as TV news, etc) that will make the world richer.

It's great fun to do something new!

Sunday, 17 May 2020

A New Venture - Abscission

After a while of moving between different writing projects (including some scenarios and campaigns for Call of Cthulhu, which may or may not see some form of publication) I have found myself doing something that I always wanted to do...

I'm making a point and click adventure game!

The first game I can remember playing as a kid was Monkey Island 2, on 14 or so floppy disks, on an Amiga at some weird kid's house (I can't remember him, but I can remember the game). It gave me the adventure game bug and I have played them all my life.

I'm using Adventure Game Studio to create it, a fantastic piece of FREE software (available here) that (unknown to me until a couple of weeks ago) sits behind some fantastic games (such as Technobabylon - available here at Steam). It has a pretty steep learning curve, especially since I have never really created any pixel art or done any programming, but I'm enjoying the challenge.

Abscission is a horror mystery at heart, telling the story of Detective Bill Stanhope, as he investigates the murder of Serina Challinor.

It's a relatively mature affair, so will probably be 16+ or 18+ in the end.

As it stands, the plot is fully outlined (though subject to change as I add more creepiness) and I have some rather ambitious ideas for story progression and a journal system, which may or may not happen depending on my ability to work out coding.

Anyway,  will post more as it develops. I have no idea how I will release it in the future, but it will be released, somehow, like an odd pixelated kraken.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

An Unnoticed Year Off

Without intending it, I've had around a year off from being an indie author, or maybe even more. 

Don't get me wrong, I have been writing (a novel, a few short stories and an extensive novel plan), and a couple of stories have been published ('Worm' in A Haunting of Words, 'Little Boy' in This Twisted Earth) but I haven't been promoting anything, or pushing anything. Part of this apathy was down to other aspects of my life taking over, and part of it was due to the fact that I enjoy the process of writing far more than trying to sell it.

The bottom has well and truly fallen out of the kindle market for indie authors. The market is flooded, and eBooks seem to have had their moment in the sun. Hipsters are buying proper small-batch books on vellum to peruse on floating tea-houses while puffing on their artisan vape pipes*. With that in mind I partially threw in the towel, and consequently enjoyed the writing far more. I felt no need to sell, as there was no money to be had. I could just try and write a good story. I did feel one regret though. One of the joys of trying to get a solid career in writing is getting to know all the other suckers in the same boat. I've got to know some truly lovely people over the last five years since I published The Binary Man, and that stalled recently. So I'm going to get back on the networking, and post a lot more, but not in the vein of "BUY MY BOOK!" but rather commenting on books I've read, or other bits and bobbins that relate to my tastes of dystopia, sci fi, fantasy, horror, and coffee. It's an easy trap to fall into when you really want your books out there, but it's hollow and hackneyed and jive.

So onwards and upwards! Here's to a great 2017. (Yes, I know it's more than half way over but I've been tired). Also here's a picture my daughter drew because I love it.

*may be an exaggeration 

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Hidden Productivity

I know I haven't posted anything for a VERY long time, but believe me, I have definitely been working.

Since the last post I have finished my first fantasy novel, delved about a quarter of a way into its sequel, worked on another long term Lovecraftian sci-fi project (which will take some years to sort out), done some very in depth planning on another more classic horror novel (the details of which I may or may not reveal one day), had two short stories accepted into anthologies (A Town Called Hell and A Haunting Of Words), and am working on finishing another short story to submit to the sequel to This Twisted Earth. 

The reason I haven't posted any updates is mainly due to finding my feet through a bit of a rocky time personally, but the worst seems behind me and the storm has turned into occasionally rainy weather with long bright spells prevailing.

The reason I haven't published the finished fantasy novel (despite having all the layout and editing done) is because I think that it is definitely solid enough for trad publishing, so I'm going to work on the rest in the series (potentially five books) while submitting the first and hoping that someone will give it a shot. It's a bit different to the normal fantasy fare in many ways, but hopefully that will be seen as a positive.

I'll try and post something before another eight months goes by...

Much love.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

This Twisted Earth

I'm not quite sure how to start this post so I'm just going to dive in. 


Today sees the launch of This Twisted Earth at FantasyCon-by-the-sea. The book is a shared-concept anthology devised and edited by Dion Winton-Polak and featuring stories by (among others) myself, Mike Chinn, Jess Nevins, and Adrian Tchaikovsky. Yes, that Adrian Tchaikovsky, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award for his novel Children Of Time. Now, I know that I should be using this blog and site to promote myself, but this guy is solid gold. Find his books, buy them and read them. You won't regret it. I'm just happy to be crammed into a book with him! 

I had a blast writing my story for the anthology (titled Little Boy) and I hope the book does as well as it deserves to. I've only read a couple of the other stories so far but they were fantastic, and I can't wait to read the rest when I receive my paperback (and hardback) editions.

You can pick up a copy from here:


To celebrate the launch (as I sadly can't be there) I'm giving away The Binary Man, former UK #1 cyberpunk bestseller for free on Kindle for the next five days (24/9 - 28/9). Pick up a copy at: